When Is A Bird Considered To Be A Pest Bird?

Arizona native birds such as cactus wrens, finches, and cardinals are beautiful, amazing creatures that we should all enjoy seeing when we are out at a park or watching from your window. These are not pest birds.

Non-native birds, on the other hand, such as pigeons, sparrows, and starlings were introduced into the United States a long time ago and since that time have become a real problem in Arizona. These are pest birds, a fact you may now be learning if they are nesting or roosting on your home or business.

The Problem With Pest Birds

Did you know that pigeons poop 47 – 51 times a day? Pest bird and pigeon feces have been found to contain over 60 different diseases and 40 different parasites that could be passed to you, your loved ones, pets, clients, or employees. Pest birds on ledges and signs or droppings covering a sidewalk will send a message to visitors that the business is careless or does not care about its image or its visitors’ health.

Droppings can damage products and packaging, and contaminate production lines as well. Bird droppings found in food processing plants, restaurants, storage facilities, or other areas, violate local health codes. Pigeon and pest bird droppings can be very slippery; if a customer or employee falls they could get seriously injured and potentially sue the company.

Bird droppings are acidic and can corrode through paint, roofing materials, and fabrics and collections of droppings and nesting materials can clog drains and gutters causing water to back up further damaging your roof. The life of your roof can be reduced by 20% or more by bird droppings. Constantly cleaning up or washing off the pigeon and pest bird droppings can be time consuming and the ongoing labor cost is expensive.

Not so cute now, are they?

Feral Pigeons

Feral Pigeons (Columbia Livia) are the number one urban pest bird in Arizona, causing damage where ever they nest or roost. Pigeons are descendants of domesticated European Homing Pigeons or Rock Doves, so they have a varied diet and feel at ease making their homes in man-made structures.

Generally blue-grey in color, with iridescent feathers on the head and neck, pigeons often have markings in black, white, or brown on the wings and neck.

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The House Sparrow is the number two urban pest bird. Introduced as a species to North America, the house sparrow quickly spread across the country due to its lack of natural enemies and its adaptive traits. Its ability to nest in urban structures, eat urban scraps, and a large breeding capacity are some of these adaptive traits.

The House Sparrow is actually a member of the Weaverbird family and not a true Sparrow. Weaverbirds create intricate nests and relative to their size...

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Gila Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers primarily feed on wood-boring insects using their strong beak and long tongue to dislodge food. Some members of the Woodpecker Family (Flickers) feed on insects of the ground, while others prefer native berries, fruits, and nuts.

Arizona has woodpeckers called Gila Woodpeckers and they are protected by law from shooting or trapping without a special permit from the Fish & Game Department. It is commonly known that woodpeckers peck into wood...

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Like the House Sparrow, the Starling was introduced from Europe in the 19th century. However, it did not spread as fast and only reached the western coast within the last few decades.

Starlings are well adapted to urban life, which offers it an abundance of food and nesting sites. It is a muscular bird about eight inches long with long wings and a short squared tail. Starlings are very aggressive and will drive native birds out of their territory...

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Grackles are boisterous, abundant members of the Troupial Family. The common grackle has a green,blue, or purple iridescent tinted black plumage with a glossy purplish head, neck, and breast with the female of the species, slightly smaller and duller colored.

Grackles can cause several types of damage. As they are scavenging birds, large numbers can be found at dumpsters, food courts, and other human areas where food is present. The resulting amount of fecal matter creates unsanitary conditions and...

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Barn or Cliff Swallows

These sleek little birds are well known for their long migration and nesting habits. Cliff and Barn Swallows spend their winters in South America and summers in North America. They arrive around March in the southern part of the country, reaching the northern states in April. Swallows are very territorial and will always come back to the same nesting site. Swallows have made a very successful switch from cliffs and caves to man made structures for placement of their mud pellet nests.

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Canadian Goose

By definition, Canadian Geese are not classified as pest birds and are afforded protection by federal and state agencies. Nonetheless, Canadian Geese are increasingly becoming the scourge of suburbia as their numbers have grown in the past decade from only a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of these birds.

In fact, the familiar V shaped squadron of honking geese heading south is becoming a rare sight...

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There are two main species of crow: the large common crow found across the country and the smaller fish crow found in the Southeast. The Common Crow is a big, black colored bird approximately 17 to 20 inches long with a strong stout build and a compressed bill. They have a scavenger diet and will eat a wide variety of things. Such food items include insects, frogs, small snakes, eggs, mice, and dead animal carcasses. Crows will also eat newly planted crops such as corn.

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Turkey Vultures

The Turkey Vulture does not win any beauty contests. The birds’ shape and head look similar to a turkey, with a red head and dark body feathers.

This large bird lives all across the U.S. The small featherless head is ideal for foraging inside of dead animals such as deer, raccoons, and cattle. They generally hunt their prey by hovering about 200 feet above the ground.

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Call Us Now, Put An End To Your Pest Bird Problems

We can usually meet or beat written estimates from other licensed competitors in Arizona for the same quality of materials and workmanship. Due to our many years of experience, Southwest Avian Solutions can offer very competitive prices for your home, office, or structure’s bird control problems without compromising integrity or quality, backed by our 3 – 5 year Bird-Free Guarantee.

Don’t wait any longer, call Southwest Avian Solutions, LLC. Monday through Saturday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM at 602-942-6550 or 480-969-2337 to schedule your FREE, NO OBLIGATION, ONSITE CONSULTATION. We can solve your pigeon or pest bird problems with our many different discreet bird deterrents. Bird proofing your residential or commercial property will help you finally put an end to all the hassle, mess, and health issues caused by your pest birds or pigeons on your home or business.

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Monday – Saturday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Address info

20118 N. 67th Ave. # 300-122
Glendale, AZ 85308